What Should I Do While My Movers are Here?

Moving Tips

A miniature "Two Small Men with Big Hearts" moving truck sits on a notebook next to a calculator, symbolizing moving cost calculations.

Even with the help of a skilled, friendly, fabulously efficient moving company, moving day can still feel a little hectic. Especially when you don't know what you should be doing with yourself! Don’t sweat it – it’s pretty common to feel a little out of place or uncertain when you’re movers are moving/packing. That being said, there are a few things you can do to make moving day easier for both you and your movers.

Here's What to Do While the Movers are Moving

Here are some things you should be doing on moving day while your movers are doing the moving:

1. Don’t Disappear

A lot of people are tempted to just “get out” on moving day in order to avoid the busyness of the day. But, your movers are going to need you there to answer questions and even sign some documents so it’s important to stick around during moving day. If your move is going to be a long process, it’s completely fine to come and go if you have errands to run, but make sure you’re around your house at least some of the time.

2. But Stay Out of the Way

We know, it might sound contradictory to say “stick around, but don’t be in the way” but that’s exactly the balance you need to try to strike on moving day. Your movers are the professionals – they know how to pack a box and how to lift a couch – so it’s best to let them work without too much direction. If they have a question, they’ll ask you, otherwise it’s safer for both you and them if you’re not too involved in the physical moving.

3. Point out Special Items

The above point being said, don’t be afraid to speak up to point out items that require special care. It isn’t always immediately clear to your movers that something like a family heirloom or antique is a family heirloom or antique. You should always let your movers know if something is fragile or extra-valuable and explain any special care instructions you might have for it.

4. Direct Boxes (at the new home)

If you did your own packing, chances are you labeled the boxes in a way that’s very clear to you. But remember, your movers don’t know where “John’s Room” is. When you arrive at your new home, you can stand in the entry or a main room and direct boxes to ensure everything gets into the right place.

5. Keep Pets and Small Children Safe

On moving day, there are a lot of doors being opened and closed, a lot of heavy items being lifted and carried, and a lot of vehicles coming and going. All of these things can pose safety hazards to both children and pets. That’s why, if you’re going to have either around on moving day, it's best that you keep them away from the action. Consider secluding pets to a single room that movers won’t be in and out of and perhaps hiring a babysitter for kids – or sending them to a friend or family member’s house.

If you’re planning a move, you can trust our experienced movers to get you (and all of your things) through moving day safely and stress-free. Make sure to get your free moving estimate today!

Moving Tips

Published on: 11/14/2018

Updated on: 7/18/2024