Tips for Spring Cleaning before Moving

Though it may have only just started to feel like spring in some places in Canada (we’re looking at you Alberta), the season is technically in full swing. That means it’s time to get started on everyone’s favourite task: spring cleaning.
Best Tips for Spring Cleaning Before a Move
If you’re planning a move, not just in the near future but any time this year, this should have an impact on your spring cleaning activities. When you’re planning a move, there are a few different things that need to get done, or at least a few things that need to get done in a different way, than with regular spring cleaning. Here are our best tips for spring cleaning when you’re planning a move:
Conduct Necessary Repairs
One thing that’s very important when you’re spring cleaning prior to a move is to make sure anything that needs repairs gets fixed. Sure, fixing things isn’t exactly “cleaning” but if that baseboard your dog redecorated (chewed off the living room wall) is fixed or replaced, the room is going to look a lot cleaner.
Plus, doing these sorts of repairs while you’re already moving furniture around to clean will save you time and effort when your preparing to stage your home to sell it.
Decide on Storage Solutions
Sometimes, moving requires putting things into storage. Especially if you plan on only moving for a short time, or are downsizing but want to save things. But, having to organize a storage unit and decide what goes in it right before your move can be stressful and time-consuming.
Instead, we suggest deciding what items are going to go into storage (if not actually renting your unit) when you’re spring cleaning. Because you’ll probably already be going through all of your things when you’re cleaning the shelves, this will be timely, and everything will be clean and shiny when it’s put aside for storage.
Refresh and Update
Pretty much everyone who is moving is also selling their current home. Since we all know that homes sell better when they’re updated, it only makes sense to refresh some old/dated furniture or paint colours before trying to sell.
And, what better time to do this than during spring cleaning? While you’re getting everything ready to be cleaned, decide what items could use a refresh or update, or which items are outdated enough that you won’t want them in your new home. Then, give them an update or give them away. If you're in Alberta and looking to donate, please consider our partner charity, the Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta. They'll even pick your items up for you!
Sort Seasonal Items
For most spring cleaners, part of the task is putting away all of the winter/seasonal items including clothes and décor and bringing out the summer items. When you’re spring cleaning for a move, instead of just putting this stuff away, go through it all and decide which items you want to move with you to your new home and which ones you probably won’t be needing. Then consider donating the unwanted items to a worthwhile charity.
Make Sure to Deep Clean
We know, deep cleaning is the whole point of spring cleaning. But, if your move (or rather the listing of your home for sale) is coming up sooner rather than later you’ll want to take things even further than your typical spring clean. Don’t just vacuum everything; get your rugs conditioned. Don’t just pressure wash the garage floor; get it re-painted.
Are you planning a move in the near future? Make sure to get your free moving estimate from Two Small Men today! Plus, check out all of the additional moving services we offer.
Published on: 4/23/2018
Updated on: 8/19/2024