The Community of Big Hearts Presents: Sam

Community Involvement

Person holding a 'Thank You!' sign on a sidewalk.

If you’ve been following along with our staff series, you know that community is important to us.

Part of staying involved in our communities has led us to donating staff time to organizations in the cities where we live and operate. We want to share those stories with you, and we hope to inspire other companies to get on board with this idea!

Keep reading to learn more about Sam, a Winnipeg staffer who volunteered on Misericordia Health Centre Foundation’s Angel Squad during the holidays at the end of 2019!

What was the experience like?

Sam: My volunteer shift was scheduled for first thing in the morning; it was so great to see the energy that the volunteers brought to the day even before the sunrise! I was immediately greeted by many smiling faces in angel costumes ready to help me pick a gown and tie my wings. While volunteering, I was stationed on a busy bridge directly behind the hospital with a group of my angel comrades. While getting the attention of motorists passing by, it was so uplifting to see how excited people were to honk, wave, and cheer at the angels while continuing towards the hospital to stop in and offer support.

What meaning does community involvement carry for you?

Sam: I’m very proud of our diverse communities in Winnipeg. Each community has their own uniquely wonderful strengths that deserve to be celebrated. They also come along with their own unique weaknesses or gaps; that is where us as community members really have the opportunity for some positive impact. It is amazing that something seemingly small or requiring minimum effort from one community member could mean something huge to another or the community as a whole!

How does volunteering impact you?

Sam: It feels awesome being able to take some time to help out and support others. If you haven’t volunteered before, I really urge you to try it out! I have had the pleasure of being involved in a couple charitable organizations in the past, specifically with recruiting volunteers, so I know firsthand how valuable that help is to an organization, community or project. The atmosphere in a volunteering setting is totally energizing, the people and organizations who are in need of volunteers are so grateful and you can just feel the passion in the room.

Any final thoughts you’d like to share?

Sam: I absolutely love that Two Small Men is serious about supporting our communities in many ways, including the Employee Volunteer Time Off program. I also encourage anyone who is reading this blog to check out the Community of Big Hearts podcast. Each episode contains uplifting stories of resilience from amazing leaders, contributors, and members of community who are doing some amazing things! It is easier than you think to get involved. You will feel great and your effort will be so appreciated… its a win-win!

Misericordia Health Centre Foundation’s Angel Squad helps support better health care for all Manitobans. For the past 24 years, volunteers dress in gowns, wings and halos to collect drive-by donations and spread the holiday spirit! The funds raised by the Angel Squad enhance the Misericordia’s long-term care resident’ lives, purchase new specialized equipment and supports their patients most in need. The Misericordia Health Centre Foundation is dedicated to supporting the heath care needs of our community.

Community Involvement

Published on: 2/26/2020

Updated on: 7/19/2024