April 20 is Volunteer Recognition Day: Thank You to all of the Big Hearts Around the Country!

Community Involvement

Word cloud in the shape of a heart with 'VOLUNTEER' prominently in the centre.

Many organizations, and even communities, are dependent on volunteers. These are people who give up their time for a cause they believe in while expecting nothing in return. Without volunteers, there would be far fewer charities and far fewer people who need help would get it. That’s why we believe it’s so important to recognize the contributions of volunteers in our communities on April 20 - Volunteer Recognition Day.

“If our hopes of building a better and safer world are to become more than wishful thinking, we will need the engagement of volunteers more than ever.” — Kofi Annan

Even more than that, this is an important day to consider our own contributions to the community and how we can become better, more committed volunteers.

Two Small Men’s Charity Partnerships

At Two Small Men, we believe that being a successful business means more than just providing great service to our customers. To be truly successful, a business must contribute back to the community in a meaningful way.

That’s why we’ve made it our goal to eventually be able to donate $1 Million to the communities we live and work in every year. While we haven’t quite met this goal yet, we are constantly working towards creating and growing relationships with charity organizations that could use our help.

We already have several partnerships with some amazing charity organizations. This includes the Boys and Girls Club, to whom we donate one move every month for someone in need, through our Big Hearts Move of the Month program. We also have a partnership with the Cerebral Palsy Associations of Alberta and BC to help bring added value to them and to our moving customers.

Plus, we’re currently growing an excellent relationship with CNIB, with the goal of helping Canadians who are blind or partially sighted to achieve their goals.

Our Big-Hearted Team Members

Because we are so passionate about giving back, we believe all of our team members should share our commitment to volunteerism. Currently, our team members all volunteer hours to ensure that all of our commitments are fulfilled. We’re working towards creating a commitment from all staff to volunteer a certain number of hours per quarter.

When we see our team members are proud of the volunteer work they do and are committed to giving back because they want to help, it warms our big hearts. On April 20 (and all year round) we are thankful for all of our team members who share our vision for a better business and better communities.

Help Us Grow Our Big Hearts

Our commitment to be the moving company that cares and to grow our charitable contribution will only be realized if we are able to create meaningful relationships with more charity organizations. To do that, we need your help.

If you know of an organization that could benefit from a partnership with a moving company, or from a Big Hearts Move of the Month, let us know! You can head to our Community Involvement page to check out our current charity partners and let us know your suggestions.

Thank You to All Volunteers!

Working with charity organizations has proven to us how dedicated people who regularly volunteer really are, and we want to thank them.

While it’s not quite April 20 yet, we want to send out a giant thank you to volunteers all over the country! Without you, so many amazing organizations wouldn’t be able to function and so many people who need help might not get it. You truly are the lifeblood of our communities and we are grateful for everything you do.

This April 20, make sure to thank a volunteer. And if you are a volunteer, take a moment to reflect on all of the lives you’ve helped change and improve and know that you are appreciated.

If you're planning a move, get your free moving estimate from the company with the biggest hearts (hint: that's us)!

Community Involvement

Published on: 4/9/2018

Updated on: 8/15/2024