Happy New year! We Have SO Much To Tell You!

Moving Tips

Happy New Year from the Two Small Men team! We hope you had a great holiday season and a great 2018 (we know we did!).

In fact, this past year was SO awesome, we just knew we had to tell you all about it!

A Charitable Theme for 2018 and 19

As you already know, giving back to the communities where we live and work is incredibly important to us. That’s because we know a strong sense of community is proven to be strongly tied to the most important things in life – happiness, longevity and purpose.

It’s for these reasons that we’ve made it our mission to get involved in any way we can – and so, we did!


The Big Hearts Move of the Month Program - We support the Boys and Girls Club of Calgary, Lurana Shelter, and Shelter Movers on a monthly basis. We can’t wait to add to this list in 2019!

Trees of Joy - We were approached by the Children’s Wish Foundation for help with their “Trees of Joy” event in Calgary. We knew immediately we wanted to help with this wonderful event, and we delivered specially decorated Christmas trees straight to the houses of children and families who work with the foundation.

Hearts in Every Meal – When we found out over 850,000 Canadians are forced to visit food banks every month, we knew we had to take action. So, we decided to create a cookbook! With “Our Hearts in Every Meal”, we hope not only to fill your plate but the plates of the 13% across our country who live in a state of food insecurity every day. All proceeds from the cookbook will go to local food banks, and for just $10, we think that tastes pretty good!

The Mover Excellence Champions – It's important to us to take care of our hardworking team members while we all work toward bettering the communities in which we live and operate. We wanted to show our team how much they mean to us, so we created several programs to show extra appreciation for our wonderful movers. The Mover Excellence Champions program offers awards on a quarterly (as well as by move) basis, and the Annual Top Gun Driver Award honours our most outstanding drivers of the year!


Of course, we plan to continue with all the great new charities we had the privilege to work with last year, and this year we only hope to take on more. Our goal is to donate cash or services of at least $100,000 or more this year by expanding our programs to include multiple charities across the country.

You’ll also want to keep an eye out for our new charity referral campaign starting soon! Refer a friend to book with us and they’ll get a great move for a great cause!

In the meantime, check out our blog for helpful tips, tricks and other great info you’re sure to love.

Happy New Year from Two Small Men and All The Best in 2019!

Moving Tips

Published on: 1/3/2019

Updated on: 7/18/2024