How To Minimize Downtime in a Corporate Relocation

Business/Commercial Moving

A miniature "Two Small Men with Big Hearts" moving truck sits on a notebook next to a calculator, symbolizing moving cost calculations.

Got a corporate relocation on the horizon? Moving offices is an exciting opportunity for a fresh start. You get to set up your new space to match today’s processes and needs rather than those of whenever your current location was put together. Your team is probably buzzing with excitement to get into the new digs and hit the ground running!

But let’s be real: minimizing downtime is crucial. Your staff can't operate at full throttle during the move, and every moment the new location isn't ready means lost productivity and profit. Here’s how you can keep things running smoothly and reduce the impact on your business.

The Simple Option for Smaller Office Moves

If your office is on the smaller side, consider moving over the weekend. If your team works 9-5, Monday to Friday, moving from Friday evening to Monday morning can be a breeze. They clock out on Friday, and by Monday, everything’s set up and ready to go.

Easy peasy, right? But when you’ve got a mountain of stuff, complicated equipment that needs careful reconfiguration, or extensive assembly and disassembly, a weekend might not cut it.

Keeping Your Employees Productive During a Move

One major challenge during an office move is what your staff will do. Here’s how you can keep productivity high even when the office is in chaos:

Can Your Staff Work from Home?

Easier said than done for some companies. If employees need specialized equipment to do their jobs, there may be no substitute for your actual workplace. However, if your staff work off of laptops and complete their tasks digitally, simply have them work from home for the transition period. You’ll often find you’re able to do so over short periods with no significant impact on productivity.

Can You Move in Phases?

Do you have a lot of stuff to move and set up? You may be able to do it piece by piece. Move one department over all at once, get them up and running, then do the next. Your early movers will be able to settle in and get to work while they wait for the rest to make it over. While inter-departmental work might see a little disruption, the work within the departments can remain on-track.

Take A Proper Inventory and Do Box Coding

More logistically speaking, a big key in reducing your downtime is to know what you’re moving and where it all is. Nothing will throw a wrench in your operations like knowing there’s a crucial tool somewhere but not being able to find it — or worse, opening up that last box and realizing it got completely lost.

You can head off these issues by taking an inventory of everything you’re moving and packing your office equipment and supplies with a robust box coding system. When you know what you’ve got and where it needs to go, you reduce the chance that something simply gets forgotten or misplaced. Everything is accounted for. And when you’re getting going in your new space, you know right where to find it.

Corporate relocations, big or small, run much smoother with professional help. For many businesses, a move without the aid of commercial movers is practically impossible.

Need a hand getting moved? Reach out to Two Small Men. We’ve got the trucks, we’ve got the expertise, and we’ve got the experience. Start by sending us a little information here, and we’ll figure out how to get you the most affordable, reliable move in no time.

Business/Commercial Moving

Published on: 6/24/2019

Updated on: 7/18/2024