November 29,2018 | Moving Tips

Moving During the Holiday Season: How to Make it Easier


Moving in the Holiday Season || Two Small Men

You don’t always get to choose when you move. Sometimes a change in job, or a family situation, or something else means you have to move at a time that might not be ideal. If that time happens to be during the holiday season, it can be even more difficult. But, there are a few things you can do to make moving during the holidays easier on yourself and your family.


5 Tips for Moving During the Holiday Season

Hire a Moving Company

There are a lot of reasons why DIY moves aren’t always the best choice. When you’re moving during the holidays, they can be even more stressful. You don’t want to have to call on friends and family to do all kinds of work at a time of year when they want to be spending time with their own families. That’s why the best choice is to hire a moving company. Not only will it give you a break from all the work, chances are your move will be completed faster – letting you get back to your regular holiday activities in no time.


Make Time for Regular Celebrations

In the hustle and bustle of moving during the holidays, it’s easy to forget about your normal traditions and celebrations. The key to having a stress-free move is to remember to take time out of the moving process to celebrate or spend time with family like you usually do. Don’t let opening moving boxes become a substitute for opening gifts if that’s something you normally do. Instead, try to make the holiday celebrations as normal as possible and you’ll find yourself feeling much less run down by moving.

Lighten Your Load by Giving Back

Our number one tip for having a less stressful move is to downsize and declutter first (this can actually save you money as well). This tip is particularly relevant when you’re moving during the holidays because not only will it help if you have less work to do packing and unpacking, but there are a lot more people who are in need during this time. Shelters and charity organizations are always looking for more items during the holidays, so you can be sure the things you’re getting rid of will help someone else have a happier season.

Be Considerate of the Weather

We all know that Canadian winters are unpredictable. You never know when a snowstorm could hit or freezing rain could fall. That’s why if you’re moving during the holidays, it’s important to consider the weather in your plans. Certain weather conditions might impede your moving company (and yourself) from being able to drive as fast as usual and slippery sidewalks and other conditions can mean the moving itself can be slower than usual. No one wants to be injured before the holidays, so take your time when walking and driving and allow your movers to do the same.

Take Special Care when Packing

When you’re moving during the holidays, you can reduce your stress and the amount of work you have to do by packing even more carefully. If you take extra care when packing and labelling your boxes you can have a much easier time when it comes time to unpack. If you have holiday decorations, indicate that they should be left in the main areas so you can save time from having to move them down from the attic.

Moving this holiday season?

Edmonton Movers

Calgary Movers

Vancouver Movers

If you’re planning a move this holiday season, Two Small Men wants to help! We can help make moving during a less-than-ideal time a lot less stressful for you and your family. You can get started by getting your free moving estimate today!






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